var canvas, stage, txt, str, playbackSpeed = 1, framerate = 25, duration, capturer = null, videoArr = [], frameCount = 0 , imgArr = null,myTimer; var frameRenderCount = 0, replay = false, videoId = 0, secondCount = 1, currentTime, videoOutputURL, imodal; var videos = [ /*{ src: 'videos/360_01.mp4', text: { x: 433, y: 296, fontFaceName : "'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", fontSize : 18, font: "18px "+"'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", color : "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", lineWidth : 500, lineHeight : 20, }, animate : function () { // txt.alpha = (frame - 90) * 0.015 if(videoDOM.currentTime > 3.6){ txt.alpha = animateFrame * 0.015 animateFrame++; } } },*/ { src: 'videos/360_02.mp4', text: { x: 320, y: 314, fontFaceName : "'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", fontSize : 18, font: "18px "+"'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", color : "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", lineWidth : 500, lineHeight : 20, }, animate : function (frame) { //txt.alpha = (frame - 230) * 0.015 if(videoDOM.currentTime > 9){ txt.alpha = animateFrame * 0.015 animateFrame++; } } }, { src: 'videos/360_03.mp4', text: { x: 320, y: 325, fontFaceName : "'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", fontSize : 18, font: "18px "+"'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", color : "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", lineWidth : 500, lineHeight : 20, }, animate : function (frame) { //txt.alpha = (frame - 230) * 0.015 if(videoDOM.currentTime > 9){ txt.alpha = animateFrame * 0.015 animateFrame++; } } }, { src: 'videos/360_04.mp4', text: { x: 320, y: 325, fontFaceName : "'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", fontSize : 18, font: "18px "+"'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", color : "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", lineWidth : 500, lineHeight : 20, }, animate : function (frame) { //txt.alpha = (frame - 230) * 0.015 if(videoDOM.currentTime > 9){ txt.alpha = animateFrame * 0.015 animateFrame++; } } }, { src: 'videos/360_05.mp4', text: { x: 320, y: 310, fontFaceName : "'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", fontSize : 18, font: "18px "+"'CS\ ChatThaiUI'", color : "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", lineWidth : 500, lineHeight : 20, }, animate : function (frame) { // txt.alpha = (frame - 230) * 0.015 if(videoDOM.currentTime > 9){ txt.alpha = animateFrame * 0.015 animateFrame++; } } }, ]; /* $.getScript('//', function () { FB.init({ appId: '979262895558775', version: 'v2.10' }); FB.XFBML.parse(); }); */ function switchVideo(n) { videoId = n; if (n >= videos.length) n = 0; videoDOM.setAttribute("src", videos[n].src); videoDOM.load(); for (var k in videos[n].text){ //console.log("Key is " + k + ", value is " + videos[n].text[k]); txt[k] = videos[n].text[k] } } $( document ).ready(function() { init() swiper.on("onTransitionEnd",function (swiper) { //console.log(swiper.activeIndex) switchVideo(swiper.activeIndex) }) }); function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("video-canvas"); stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas); videoDOM = document.createElement('video'); //videoDOM.src = ''; //videoDOM.load(); videoDOM.addEventListener('ended', videoEndHandler, false); //videoDOM.addEventListener('seeked',videoSeekHandler,false); video = new createjs.Bitmap(videoDOM); stage.addChild(video).set({ x: 0, y: 0, alpha: 1}); //; /* var container = new createjs.Container(); stage.addChild(container);*/ //var str = "ปวงข้าพระพุทธเจ้า\n ขอน้อมเกล้าน้อมกระหม่อมรําลึกใน\n พระมหากรุณาธิคุณหาที่สุดมิได้\n ข้าพระพุทธเจ้า"; str = "ข้าพระพุทธเจ้า บริษัท บัณฑิต เซ็นเตอร์ จำกัด"; txt = new createjs.Text("", "", "#FFF"); txt.text = "บริษัท บัณฑิต เซ็นเตอร์ จำกัด"; txt.textBaseline = "middle"; txt.textAlign = "center"; //txt.alpha = 0; //txt.shadow = new createjs.Shadow("#000000", 0, 0, 30); txt.shadow = new createjs.Shadow("rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",0,0,10); //txt.x = (stage.canvas.width) / 2 + 120; /********/ //txt.x = (stage.canvas.width - 550) / 2; stage.addChild(txt); switchVideo(0) // console.log(videoDOM.duration); videoDOM.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function(){ //alert( this.duration()) //alert( myPlayer.duration()); videoDOM.currentTime = this.duration - 1; duration = this.duration console.log(duration); }) stage.update(); //clickHandler() createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", draw); // Set same as video sourse createjs.Ticker.setFPS(framerate) /* /!*********!/ var per_page = 3; if(screen.width > 767){ per_page = 5 } if(screen.width > 1200){ per_page = 7 } var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { pagination: '.swiper-pagination', slidesPerView: per_page, paginationClickable: true, spaceBetween: 30, freeMode: false });*/ } /* var btnPlay = document.getElementById("play") btnPlay.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); startCapture(); }, false);*/ function startCapture() { = 'none'; = "none" /* if(simulated == false){ capturer = new CCapture({ verbose: false, display: false, framerate: framerate, motionBlurFrames: 0, name: "wish", //quality: 100, format: 'webm', workersPath: 'js/', }); }else{*/ capturer = new CCapture({ verbose: false, display: false, framerate: framerate, motionBlurFrames: 0, name: "wish-", //quality: 100, format: 'ffmpegserver', //workersPath: "", workersPath: genServer+"/Canvas/3rdparty/", //timeLimit: videoDOM.duration, //frameLimit: 0, //autoSaveTime: 0, //onProgress: function( p ) { = ( p * 100 ) + '%' } }); // } //clickHandler() //clock() //console.log(videoDOM.playbackRate) capturing = true; initPreplay(); //if (!myTimer) myTimer = setInterval(myClock, 1000);; capturer.start(); } function clickCaptured(){ var config = { id : 'md-1', class:'modal', clickOutsideToClose : false, closeButton : false, body :'


อาจต้องใช้เวลาประมาณ 1 - 3 นาที
' }; imodal = new Modal(config);; //Analytics Track ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: campaignName, eventAction: 'click', eventLabel: "BTN Captured" }); setTimeout(function () { startCapture(); },1000) } function playVideo() { replay = true; //txt.alpha = 0; //videoDOM.currentTime = 0; initPreplay();; ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: campaignName, eventAction: 'click', eventLabel: "BTN Video Preview" }); } function initPreplay() { txt.alpha = 0; animateFrame = 0; videoDOM.currentTime = 0; secondCount = 0; frameRenderCount = 0; } var animateFrame = 0; function draw() { stage.update(); //currentTime = videoDOM.currentTime; if (capturer) { //; capturer.capture(canvas) frameRenderCount++; //textAnimate(frameRenderCount) videos[videoId].animate(frameRenderCount); } if(replay){ //console.log(videoDOM.currentTime+" : "+frameRenderCount) frameRenderCount++; videos[videoId].animate(frameRenderCount); } } function clickHandler(pEvent) { videoDOM.currentTime += (1 / 25); //; videoDOM.pause(); txt.text = str; // TweenLite.from(txt,5, {delay: 1.5,alpha:0}); } var simulated = false, capturing = false; function videoEndHandler() { console.log('videoEndHandler at '+ frameRenderCount + " Frames") //this.setAttribute( 'href', ); if(capturing){ // = 'none'; if (simulated == false) { playbackSpeed = (frameRenderCount * 0.93) / (duration * framerate); console.log(playbackSpeed); /* playbackSpeed = playbackSpeed > 1 ? 1 : playbackSpeed; console.log(playbackSpeed);*/ if(playbackSpeed < 0.1){ imodal.remove(); var config = { id : 'md-2', class:'modal', clickOutsideToClose : false, closeButton : false, body :'
' +'
' }; imodal = new Modal(config);; }else{ simulated = true; videoDOM.currentTime = 0; videoDOM.playbackRate = playbackSpeed; txt.alpha = 0; capturer.stop(); capturer = true; /*setTimeout( ()=> { startCapture(); },1000)*/ startCapture() //console.log(capturer); //startCapture() } } else { console.log("videoSave() at " + frameRenderCount + " Frames"); videoSave(); videoDOM.pause(); } }else{ videoDOM.pause(); replay = false; } secondCount = 0; frameRenderCount = 0; } function videoSave() { //if(capturer){ capturer.stop(); //; //'----------- ------------'); //; //Reset Data capturer = null; simulated = false; = 'block'; = "" clearInterval(myTimer); secondCount = 0; videoDOM.playbackRate = 1 myTimer = false; capturing = false; } function showVideoLink(url, size) { //'----------- showVideoLink ------------') //'url ::' + url); videoOutputURL = genServer + url; imodal.close(); imodal.remove(); imodal = undefined; var config = { id : 'md-1', class:'modal', clickOutsideToClose : false, closeButton : false, body : '
ขั้นตอนที่ ๓ ดาวน์โหลดวิดีโอของท่าน
'+ '
'+ '
file_download ดาวน์โหลด
' +'
ร่วมบอกต่อบริการสร้างวิดีโอพร้อมข้อความ คลิกเลย
' +'
' +'
ถ้าต้องการสร้างวิดีโออื่นๆ กรุณารีเฟรชหน้านี้ หรือ replay คลิกที่นี่
' //body : modalCaptureing() }; imodal = new Modal(config);'size :: ', size) } function downloadVideo(e){ // e.preventDefault() // ga('Main.send', 'event', 'สร้างรูปถวายความอาลัย Template 6', 'Download', username.value); e.href = videoOutputURL; = videoOutputURL; ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: campaignName, eventAction: 'click', eventLabel: "BTN Download" }); } /* function postVideoToFacebook() { FB.login(function (response) { //postImageToFacebook(response.authResponse.accessToken, blob, handler); console.log(response.authResponse.accessToken) videoOutputURL ="" makeApiRequest( response.authResponse.accessToken, { url: 'me/videos', data: {file_url:videoOutputURL, description: 'title'}, method: 'POST' }, successCb, errorCb); }, {scope: "publish_actions"}); } function successCb() { } function errorCb() { } function makeApiRequest(accessToken, config, successCallback, errorCallback) { var baseUrl = ''; // parse config and defaults var config = config || {}, url = config.url || 'me', data = || {}, method = config.method || 'GET'; config.url = baseUrl + url + '&access_token=' + accessToken; // make the api request $.ajax(config) .done(function(data) { if (!!successCallback) { successCallback(data); } else { console.log(data); } } ).error(function(xhr) { errorCallback(xhr); }); } */ /*if( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 ){ // alert('this is chrome') // Do something in Chrome }*/ var App = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {value: videos[videoId].text.y,value2:videos[videoId].text.fontSize}; }, /* componentDidMount: function() { //this.setState({seconds: this.state.seconds + 1}); console.log('tick') },*/ handleChange: function (e) { //const title =; //str = "ข้าพระพุทธเจ้า " + title; str =; txt.text = str; //txt.alpha = 1; stage.update(); // console.log(title) }, handleRangeChange: function (e) { this.setState({value:}); //txt.font = + "px "+ txt.fontFaceName; txt.y =; /*txt.scaleX = ; txt.scaleY = ;*/ //console.log( stage.update(); }, handleRangeChange2: function (e) { this.setState({value2:}); //txt.font = + "px psl_malineeitalic"; txt.font = + "px "+ txt.fontFaceName; //console.log( stage.update(); }, render: function () { return (
); } }); React.render(, document.getElementById('app'));